One thing I have learned from starting a small business is that every single thing takes longer than you expect. After 30 years, you might think I’d be used to it, but the unfortunate truth is that time is a mighty foe, almost always winning out over looming deadlines and forcing us to change expectations on the fly.
This is definitely the case with our current effort to add to our growing capabilities here at the farm. Building and setting up four new growing machines has been a challenging, time-consuming process. Yet, we are finally getting close. And yes, I know, I may have said that before, but (fingers crossed) we’re really, really almost there.
All four new machines should be up and running early next week, and not only do we think we’re going to love them, we believe you, our community, will too. The resulting improvement in growing conditions, the additional variety, and the larger inventory we will have on hand will make the entire experience of obtaining quality lettuces and greens that much better for everyone.
We thank you for your patience and appreciate your continued support. As a minor distraction from the continuing construction here, I wanted to share you a sign of hope: seedlings in our ebb, just waiting for the new machines.