
Milk Bok Choy

Milk Bok Choy is another vegetable that’s new to us, and we think it’s gorgeous, in addition to being high in vitamins and quite tasty too. What’s interesting about our Milk Bok Choy is that in our hydroponic environment, it took on some unique properties, most notably growing more outward than upward, as the picture on the seed packet led us to believe (lol).

This gets right to the point about the effects of different (yet equally suitable) environments, on growing food. While there’s nothing wrong at all with food that looks as good as it tastes, we probably should choose our food more for taste and nutrition, and not so much for its appearance. The food you get in your average grocery store is more often than not selected for its beauty, while food with blemishes or a less-than-perfect appearance is used for other products or, even worse, discarded.

We are in no position to discard food. Perfectly edible, good-tasting greens should absolutely get used, whether or not they are going to win any beauty contests. And beauty IS in the eye of the beholder, isn’t it?

Milk Bok Choy


Pink Mizuna!

Say hello to this visually exciting new offering at Lansdowne Urban Farms: Pink Mizuna!

Why pink? Well, different colors in vegetables usually means that there are different nutrients inside. And Pink Mizuna is one of the healthiest vegetables that you can eat. Its purple-pink stems are exceptionally high in vitamin C, as well as folate and glucosinolate – a powerful antioxidant. Delicious either cooked or raw, in salads and stir-fry dishes alike, you’ll definitely want to give it a try!

photo: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds


Supply vs. Demand…

The realities of demand outpacing supply have caught up with us, and as a result, we’ve decided to remain closed this week (July 15-17).
This news is, of course, a mixed bag. We are disappointed that we haven’t been able to keep up but we’ve just ordered enough equipment to build four new hydroponic units. And with six months of experience behind us, we now know how to design the units to help expand our growing capabilities in the best way possible, bringing you the greens and lettuces you’ve grown to love, as well as others that we hope you’ll try. 
The future is bright indeed!


It’s hot!

We have had some hot days. We lost our air conditioning at the Farm too. It was old so understandable but nonetheless, a curve ball.
The plants are happy, the humans, not so much.

The seedlings in the ebb are big as a result…apparently they like the heat.


The Fourth of July!

The Fourth of July has always been pretty important in our family. On July 4, 1995, Zachary was born. Attached is a picture of him (second from the right), with his siblings, at the first farm he probably knew, my Mom’s Farm. So happy birthday Zachary, we are all super excited that you came up with the idea for Lansdowne Urban Farms. 


Ribbon Cutting – Thursday June 24, 4:00 PM

As of this writing, we are one day away from establishing Lansdowne Urban Farms as an official part of the local business community, during a traditional ribbon cutting ceremony.

So what exactly is the significance of cutting a strip of fabric to mark the opening of a business? My good friend Google told me this about the history of ribbon cutting: “Modern ribboncutting ceremonies begin to appear in historical accounts at the end of the 19th century. According to Union Parish, Louisiana archives, a ribboncutting ceremony was held around 1898 for the opening of a railroad line in northern Louisiana.”

I’d like to think that the launch of Lansdowne Urban Farms is a pretty significant event, for us and our customers as well. Although perhaps not quite as ground-breaking as a new railroad… it does seem like we are starting out on a new, unique path. Certainly, the trip is just as interesting.

So please join us as we mark this occasion tomorrow at 4 pm, right in front of the Farm storefront at 23 S. Lansdowne. Hope to see you there.


Arugula’s Spicy Sister

I promise I will get over my Arugula posts…right after this one.
Did you know there is something called Wasabi Arugula? It’s the spicy sister of Arugula with the taste of wasabi. The whole plant is edible.

If you like wasabi, you should try some – spicy sisters need love too!


Arugula…oh how I wished I loved thee…

Lots of folks love Arugula — I am just not one of those people. They tell me that the Arugula Lansdowne Urban Farms grows is very good. I’ve tried it…but its not going to be in a salad that I eat anytime soon. Maybe it should be on your salad?


What gets you excited?

At Lansdowne Urban Farms its getting new seeds to try! This is a recent batch of new seeds. Can’t wait to see how they do in our hydroponic environment.


This week at the Farm!

Ah…our crops are diversifying. Try something new like Tatsoi! It’s a super nutritious green not readily available in your local grocery store. We look forward to introducing you to new greens. More varieties are coming soon! Also this week, we have a Lettuce Leaf Basil special. Order early for best results.