
Water is Important!

The water we use for our plants is critical. Like I said earlier, for the first four months, we relied on jugs of distilled water from Giant. That was not sustainable; we knew that. We also care deeply about not generating more trash than we need to.

The first step in eliminating distilled water was testing our water. Boy, I’m glad we did. It contained way too much chlorine and chloramine. WAY TOO MUCH! Cue the conversations with water purification system people, who I swear are deliberately confusing.

That’s okay. We figured it out. Now we are filtering the entire building’s water. Our lettuce (and apartment dwellers in the building) are thrilled!

PS. Not a great picture – but its probably the most important piece of support equipment we have. Yes, its an old basement. This side of the building probably dates back to the 1870s.